Customer Testimonials
We’re here to help you grow!
Merchants across the UK are experiencing the power of a team totally dedicated to helping them grow their business. With great products and great support, Brett Martin offers a focused plumbing and drainage package, helping you to sell more and generate more value from your stock. Don’t take our word for it, have a listen to what our customers have to say.
Hughes Forrest
JTD Building supplies
Haldane Fisher
JP Corry
Wogan Build Centre

County Building Supplies
Happiness is... Rekindling of old trading relationships can have a positive impact on business. Martyn Rees, Director and co-founder of County Building Supplies tells us more about how developments like these give the self-professed 'Happiest builders' merchants in the country' even more reason to smile.
Sometimes changes at buying group level can deny customers access to quality products they have become accustomed to. That was the case for County Building Suppliers, who had an excellent relationship with Brett Martin dating back to 1987 before their change of buying group necessitated a change in drainage supplier. A recent supply deal has meant Brett Martin products will once again fill racking and shelves in County Building Supplies branches across the midlands at the, self-professed, happiest builders merchants in the country.
‘When we changed buying group, the only agreement all of County were very sorry to lose when we joined all those years ago was the Brett Martin one. When I informed the managers they were now able to purchase again they were absolutely delighted. In fact one just replied “Hooray”.’
County Building Supplies began life as a single branch operation in Malvern, with Martyn Rees and David Lloyd at the helm and a single employee. Fast forward 35 years and the business has extended across 13 branches in the southern midlands.
‘The secret to our success? We like to have a laugh. We fundamentally believe that people should be happy at their work, and we believe that’s how and why we have been able to build such a loyal workforce and extend our business across so many branches.’
Martyn explains 'That positivity has extended out to our customer base and we have developed really strong relationships with tradespeople and consumers alike. The same loyalty which goes both ways with our staff is also extended with our customers and that’s something we are really proud of.'
Admittedly, the power of a buying group has been another huge contributory factor to the success County has enjoyed over the last 35 years. ‘It has been a fantastic help,’ suggests Martyn. ‘I think the role of running any independent business has become more challenging in recent years, and I wouldn’t want to be operating without the support of a buying group at the moment.
The increased purchasing muscle is an obvious advantage, but it goes far beyond that. I think over the last couple of challenging years we have appreciated the strength in numbers even more – always having someone to talk to and bounce ideas off.’
It’s clear that relationships at all levels in the business are key to Martyn and as he explains, real success in partnerships with suppliers is directly related to developing trusted relationships.
'Getting to work with Brett Martin again is fantastic news because we have had such a strong experience with them in the past and we are looking forward to benefitting from their support again, across the branches. They have been consistent in their support for the independent sector and demonstrate all the same values that make independent merchanting so special. I know that they are now in their 3rd generation as a family business and the fact that their staff have remained so consistent says a lot. We are looking forward to working closely with Chris and his team.
Brett Martin’s underground drainage products are the best on the market and at County, we’ve had many enquiries about their rainwater systems, particularly the Cascade range, which we have unfortunately been unable to fulfil. We look forward to being able to sell these products again and avail of the technical product training Brett Martin offers which is so important to us. We have many suppliers using this site as a training facility – we value the importance of training greatly and appreciate the emphasis it receives at Brett Martin also.’
Renewable energy sources are high on the agenda at County, with a dedicated Renewables facility at Cheltenham and a vast range of green energy products available throughout the majority of branches. With a range of mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems, air source heat pumps, underfloor heating and solar thermal panels, County is committed to a new era of energy sources. ‘That’s another reason why we’re delighted to have the opportunity to work with Brett Martin again,’ cites Martyn: ‘Their commitment to reduced embodied carbon and their environmental credentials are applaudable and we always strive to work with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. We recognise the work that is happening in R&D on new sustainable product ranges and we look forward to learning about them from Brett Martin’s Technical Team.’